usgs gauge link: Click and scroll down to the third graph for current height in ft.
The route we will be using that day is based on current level. detailed descriptions are below.
There are some rocks to navigate around. This is ideal for inexperienced boaters and families. Anything in this range is still floatable, but pack light!
Best Range for Caddo Gap. Great paddling, few rocks, more boat control up to 650 cf/s. RAFTS become fun at this level and higher!
NOTE: TUBES are only available when the water is 5.8 ft or LOWER.
Rafts are fun at these levels! When the discharge climbs above 650 cf/s, we caution against taking children in canoes or kayaks. Experience and skill in swift water paddling becomes more essential. The sit-on-top kayaks become a safer and better choice than canoes in this range. Please ALWAYS check our face book detailed updates when the water is in this range for specific details about what we can and cannot do that day or if we are in fact, open.
Restricted rentals, if at all. At flows above 1,200 cf/s, it is a fast paced float for those with advanced or expert whitewater skills only due to tricky currents, strainers, and other potential hazards that demand instant decision making and quick reflexes. Rapids are washed out above 7.50.
The river is getting into flood plain and running through dense strainers. Cross currents become very powerful. Correct route is most important. No general rentals go out at this level.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
2-4 hours depending on water level. This route is best for river levels between 4.8 - 5.1 ft.
This route is deeper and wider and is still a good trip when the upper route becomes too low to enjoy.
Families with small children and fishermen who want to play and fish more than paddle, enjoy this stretch.
3.5-7 hours depending on water level. This is available on weekdays. Just give us a call early in the day. This route is not an option on Saturdays during peak season (Memorial-Labor Day) or on holidays and/or holiday weekends. This route has a higher shuttle price.
This is our tube route. It can be utilized for canoes and kayaks when wanting a short/quick trip. This can accommodate a later launch time of up to 3:45 PM -if pre-arranged (return time still 6:00). It is our shortest trip but works nicely for fishermen wanting a quick late afternoon fishing trip or for a family with small children who just need a very short time on the water.
This route is only available when the gage is reading at or above 6.2 ft.It is best for experienced kayakers without children. This route cannot be scheduled much in advance and is only available a day or 2 after a good rain.